Another long day of PMBR, but it's over now. which i guess is good. i'm working on essays, and trying to self-grade them. I just bombed one of them .... but i did okay on 4 of them. okay enough to think, "I can pass the essay part" --
Let it be known - i'm skipping all commercial paper essays! For now. It's on my list for tomorrow.
I shall puzzle through it, and I shall be ready to attempt to answer some Q's about it - maybe.
I also need to take a deep breath and do Corporations. I wrote it on tomorrow's to do list, and even writing it on the list hurt. I broke out into hives. Then today, every single person I spoke to said, "I went through corporations yesterday ...." and i felt woefully behind. they did it yesterday, i'm doing it tomorrow.
i bought shoes for Europe. I'm going to wear them around the house tomorrow while I study and do laundry.
beloved's getting tired of this, i think. i think i'll need to kick in a little bit, and take a little off his shoulders so he doesn't reach his max point on, oh, say Tuesday? the DAY before the bar exam? I mean, that could be one way to take my mind off the exam the next day: fight with my husband all night.
No. not a good plan. i think i may go put away some dishes and take the trash down, or something like that. then PMBR questions. Then I will make Trusts flash cards.Labels: bar prep, beloved, housework |
Good luck. Hope that all of the info sinks in and you get calm/focused before the day. Hope Beloved would know better than to pick a fight. You'll just owe him big afterwards. ;)