I had a great afternoon with E. She had her talk with the principal(s) and one of the opposing boys this morning, and it went well. There were no disagreements as to the story - she and the boy (who happens to be the one she kicked) got along well, and he said he understood why she thought that he was going to throw a rock at her, and was not upset with her at all. The other boys went in separately, but the one she's had the biggest problems with was absent today. Which is why I say only "perhaps" about peace. I know she's okay with the other boys, but that's while the biggest conflict is out of the equation.
I need to keep monitoring, though, for certain. I talked to E about it, and I told her that at this point, all adults are on notice about the issues she's been dealing with, and it is not okay with me if it is treated as if yesterday was an isolated event. She is going to keep me apprised, and if things continue, I'm going to keep riding the situation.
What sucks is that it's going to end up that E and I end up the "problem" if we keep making noise. But we will. So there.
She was happy that I came to get her. We went to the store together, and got some fresh sushi that we shared as an afternoon snack. We discovered that she's near immune to wasabi. She could practically smear the stuff on every surface and have no reaction whatsoever. I meanwhile was blinking and gasping.
We came home and I chatted with another mom from yesterday's drama. We made sure all was cool b/t us and our kids, and then moved on to talk about normal things.
Normal things. mmmmm.Labels: bullies, kids, parenting |