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  • Monday, January 16, 2006
    Lyco has tapped me on the shoulder, with one of my favorite things to do -- Lists!! [with the caveat that for me, it means lists of paragraphs. i know no other way].

    Four Jobs You've Had [I'm going with all non-legal, to avoid repetition and boringness]:
    • Newspaper delivery, when i was 13. it was horrid - i had to run through a retirement complex with the newspapers at 4:30 a.m. Once, a very very old old man was waiting in his doorway for the paper --- he was naked. and very very droopy. his skin was so droopy, it took me some time of recreating the scene in my head to be certain he wasn't wearing some kind of flesh colored one-piece long underwear.
    • Dispatcher for my dad's company. started soon after the newspaper delivery, and didn't fully stop until i was 21. worked summers and weekends. it was hard, b/c it required a knowledge of the layout of the state in order to send workmen to the right places in the right order, but i excelled at the organizational aspects of the job, and there are still places there where my handwriting remains.
    • Copyeditor for an internet newsletter company. it was part time, and eventually included some writing. not a good atmosphere, not a good place - but i liked the actual work, and it would be one of the directions i could have gone in life.
    • Lead Bookseller at a Barnes & Noble in California. I made crap for money, but I loved this job. I loved the people, I loved the customers, I loved the books. The hours sucked, too. But I met Beloved there. So perhaps that was my favorite job.
    Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over:
    • Labrynth (and I have)
    • Grease (much to beloved's dismay)
    • So I Married an Axe Murderer
    • [agggh! i can't think of a 4th!!!] Neverending Story, I suppose.
      • Paragraph time! When I was young, I could watch movies over and over - and my sister and I often did together. All of the above, except Axe Murderer, were watched in my childhood, with my sister, dozens of times. Axe Murderer was a college thing, and I saw it in the dollar theater over and over. But now I don't like watching movies over and over anymore. I've bought some movies, thinking I would watch them over and over: The Dancer Upstairs, and Wings of Desire. I think they both still have their wrapping on them.
    Four Places You've Lived

    • Small Town, Connecticut
    • Lynchburg, Virginia
    • Birmingham, Alabama
    • Berkeley, California
    Four TV Shows You Like to Watch

    • Meet the Press
    • Lost
    • 24
    • Party of Five [no, it's not on the air anymore, and I really *miss* my brothers and sisters!! I don't watch any other t.v. currently, and often forego Lost for family or school obligations. Beloved and I watch 24 together]
    Four Places You've Been on Vacation
    • New Orleans, Louisiana (with beloved in 2003? 2004?)
    • London and York, England (the year 2000, b/c ex-schlurg was living there)
    • The Bahamas (high school graduation)
    • Burgos, Spain (when I was 15)
    [slightly pathetic - i've had very few vacations in my life. between being married to a full time student, with kids, across the country from all grandparents, and then being a penny-pinching single mother, and now being a penny-pinching law school, true vacations have not made it to the top of my priority list. Some day.]

    Four Websites You Visit Daily
    • yahoo mail
    • my school's electronic bulletin board
    • the washington post
    Four of My Favorite Foods
    • Cheese
    • steak, very pink in the middle
    • milk chocolate
    • mashed potatoes
    Four Places I'd Rather Be:
    • The cabin in Vermont that I've had a very nice time at with both my family of origin and the family i've originated
    • some mythical cottage on the beach - cold weather is fine.
    • Exploring cities in Europe
    • in a house that i actually own, with a good bit of space.
    Four Albums I Can't Live Without
    • Sinaed O'Connor -- I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got
    • Aimee Mann -- Bachelor No. 2
    • ColdPlay -- Parachutes
    • and right now, perfect as background music to aid in concentration: Henry and June, the soundtrack.
    Four People to Tag With the Lists:

    Legal Quandary; Frequent Citations; E.McPan; and the Musing 1L
    posted by Zuska @ 11:24 AM  
    • At Monday, January 16, 2006 11:59:00 AM, Blogger E. McPan said…

      Yay! Unlike most people, I welcome (to an extent) memes because it gives me something to post about!

      And before I even saw that I was tagged, I was going to say I really like So I Married An Axe Murderer! Hahahaha.

    • At Monday, January 16, 2006 7:46:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      new orleans was 2003, my sweet. remember, our president declared war on iraq right in the middle of things? so nice of him to use that occasion to send our troups and resources overseas while we enjoyed the hospitality of a city that no longer exists because he dedicated the resources that could have rebuilt that city two times over to fighting a war built on the premise of lies, deception and greed. (i still think it's all for the money.


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