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  • Thursday, January 12, 2006
    i went for my first time ever acupuncture session today. i've been having some minor issues to deal with for some time, and have wanted to take care of things in a more natural way, rather than bombarding my body with what seems to me to be unnecessary and sometimes harmful medications.

    it left me feeling a little dizzy and woozy. Has anyone else ever had acupuncture? beloved had in the past -- and he said it did the same to/for him, too. i had needles in my ears. and my hands. and my arms. and my legs.

    Before that, I went to meet with my judge (yes, i OWN him) about this project i'm working on for him. there was a weird interchange about an hourly rate for me. he had told me via email that he needed to hear from be about what i wanted to earn for this project - either a flat amount, or an hourly rate. i said that i really didn't know where to even begin, that i had never done anything like this before. when we were talking today, he asked again what i thought. i said that the only frame of reference that i have is what my hourly rate was when i was typing for a living, which was $25/hour. His eyes POPPED OUT OF HIS HEAD and he said, "really??!!! i would think $20, TOPS!" So I backpedaled, and told him that was fine with me, and that i would be happy to help him with this oh so very interesting topic (implied easements) for FREE, and whatever he thinks is best is more than fine with me.

    and - one of the court officers i used to work with (he's a real weirdo) saw me, and he came over to say hi, and we're talking, and he mumbles. he talks really soft, and not so clear, and he's doing that - so i hear these noises, and then i hear him say "weight" and then "put it all together" and then, "so when are you due?" uh. okay.

    i have probably gained less than 5 pounds since i last saw him, and i really do not think i looked pregnant. i was dressed MUCH more casually than when i was working in the courthouse - since the courthouse required me to be in a suit 5 days a week, and today i had on casual pants and a large untucked shirt.

    but still.

    then i went and bought new headphones for my WONDERFUL iPod. i love my new iPod. if someone asks me if i have pictures of my kids, i just whip out the iPod and turn on the slideshow for them. there they have it - 3 seconds each of 104 photos of the girly-q's spanning the last 3 years.

    one bad thing about it - the podcast function is flawed. it used to be that i could push play on the podcast playlist, and waa laa. they would all play - back to back -- rolling from one to the next. now i'm stuck with one at a time. i do not know why. perhaps if i had copious amounts of free time, i would fuss with the settings and see if there was something that could be done about this.

    oh - another bad thing. my old iPod had a smaller battery - i think it said 8 hours of play time. this one says 15. but that's if you don't look at a SINGLE picture. all i did the other day was turn on the pictures, and the battery was instantly 1/3 empty. i watched a video, and the battery went from FULL to in the red zone. it was 45 minutes. not 15 hours. my old one was better.

    but i still love it. it's so pretty and shiny. and it has so many songs on it!! 2000. i used to only have 643 on the pod. now all the songs on iTunes are on the Pod. and that is fun. i went to the library today and got MORE Cd's to explore and perhaps .... um. yeah.
    posted by Zuska @ 8:00 PM  
    • At Friday, January 13, 2006 4:29:00 PM, Blogger The Marpepps! said…

      I'm terrified of needles, but I've heard good things about it. I used to see a kinesiologist, and he was adamant that it performed miracles.

      Also - I'm jealous that your library doesn't ... err ... lock it's CDs. There's a formatting lock on all the ones I've checked out. I need to change libraries.

    • At Friday, January 13, 2006 9:17:00 PM, Blogger Zuska said…

      the needles are so tiny, and you don't feel it at ALL. seriously - it was like nothing. although i am notorious for my high pain tolerance. i think that i don't feel things which cause other people pain ....

      also, my library *is* truly amazing. woudl you like to know what disks I got yesterday? Cowboy Junkies - the Caution Horses; Duran Duran - Astronaut; Nellie Furtado - Folklore; Indigo Girls - Retrospective; and Jimi Hendrix - the ultimate experience. I can get ANYTHING from my library. ANYTHING. I've only come across one disk thus far that wouldn't play in my computer's drive.

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