Tuesday, January 03, 2006 |
anxiety and relaxation |
an inheritance i had been waiting on for some years recently came through. it is not a terribly large amount of money - enough to pay my parents back some that i owe them after they have helped time and time again with this law school endeavor; enough to get the kitten spayed or neutered or whatever happens to girl kitties; enough to get a Bose docking station for my iPod.
Also enough to finally make that trip back to California that the girls and i have been hankering to make since last year. friends, sisters, favorite restaurants - all of these things are waiting for us. so we are going in February. beloved may or may not come, depending upon work, and my parents may or may not coordinate a trip for the same time. the girls and i will hang out with my sister and her son in berkeley for some of the time, and also with very close friends in Sebastopol for some of the time.
the girls have a week off in February, which their father kindly allowed me to keep (our "agreement" states that because of our out-of-state arrangement, he gets the school breaks). but i think i have the week BEFORE that off, myself, and I know I have spring break the week after. so i'm looking forward to the few weeks of less-stress.
however, then i start school. and before i start school, i must have a schedule. and i think it's almost time for me to be making said schedule. therefore, it's time for me to be freaking out. we get our "evaluations" from the last quarter and the class schedule for the coming quarter at the same time. i think that this will be any day (week?) now.
which means it's time to start freaking out about what classes to take! These are the classes on the table:
Fed Courts Corporations Employment Law Employment Discrimination Trusts & Estates Comparative Law
All of these - except Comparative Law - are 4 credit courses. Clearly, I cannot take them all.
I have heard conflicting information as to whether Fed Courts is best in the 2nd or 3rd year. However, I wish I'd had it already, on this co-op, for Qualified Immunity purposes, and I may be happy to have the information in the summer, as well as next winter - I would also like to take what is known as a tougher class now, rather than leave it for my final academic quarter. But I do not *have* to.
Corporations I feel like I just Must Take Now. I'm going into Big Firm world for the summer. i think i need to know the basic info on corporations before doing that.
Employment Law is something I see as a must, along with Corporations. I'm seriously considering spending 1/2 my summer in the General Litigation department, and 1/2 in the Labor and Employment department, so Employment law is important for right now.
Employment Discrimination may or may not be as important, but it's taught by a stellar professor. i am worried that taking Employment and Employment Discrimination at the same time will serve to muddle the brain. I can't choose ED over Employment, though, considering what I want to do in the summer. And it's my only chance to take either (stupid quarters).
Trusts & Estates for me would be a "fun" class, b/c i've heard that the cases are up my ally with the personal stories, etc. I definitely want to take this class, and I think it will help to mix up my quarter, but if push comes to shove, it can probably wait until next spring (not offered in the fall).
Comparative Law sounds super-fun, but it's an adjunct prof., and they scare me. I can take this one next year, if I'd like.
So what to do? I can only choose 4 out of 6, and will have either a 15 or 16 credit quarter. I do not know if they are paper or exam classes at this point. I think that does not matter. I've already completed my writing requirement, and as long as I know in advance, I can handle 4 exams. (ugh, did I just say that?)
I will, as before, probably think I have made all my decisions, and then see the class schedule and find that 3 of the 6 are scheduled at the same time, and have to completely re-do my priorities. |
posted by Zuska @ 9:54 PM |