Tuesday, December 05, 2006 |
Today is Beloved's birthday, as mentioned yesterday. I was thinking I couldn't share what I bought for him, because he reads this, but I just realized that he's at WORK, and he does not have computer access there, and then we're going straight out to dinner, where he won't have access to the internet, and then we're coming straight home for presents and ice cream sundaes!! I got him an iPod - a 30 GB one, which is what I have. When I got mine a year or so ago, I handed down my old Mini to him, but then it got lost with a bag in a taxi cab coming home from the airport after Disneyland. It was old, it didn't have a color screen, and it was pink. Beloved isn't really the type of guy to make faces about pink-things, but still, it was bought for me. So now he has a new one!!! I contemplated getting one as a NON-birthday gift, since it is really just a replacement for one he lost, but honestly, they're pricey little chunks of pleasure. The girls bought him some kitchen gadgets that he's been wanting, and I got him a couple of shirts. But I'm feeling like I haven't gotten him enough. He got me so many things! Like, 100 things. 8 wine glasses, 3 books, 3 pairs of earrings, a necklace, and Bose headphones (which are AMAZING!!). And I feel like I'm forgetting something, he got me so much stuff. But there is no way I can get him the headphones today. There is this nasty restriction on my abilities called TIME and another called DISTANCE. I have searched and searched, but there is nowhere accessible from work that I can go at lunchtime, and I'll be in a bit of a frantic rush after work to pick up j. and then rush home to meet e. when she gets home from cello, and then to grab them both and run BACK out to meet him at the restaurant. Perhaps one day, he'll just find them under his pillow.
posted by Zuska @ 11:27 AM |