Tuesday, May 23, 2006 |
What am I getting paid for, anyway? |
Day Two is over at Summer Firm. I had orientation all day yesterday, with a little down time in the afternoon before heading to a lovely reception for the evening. The downtime in between was okay. I opened my giant cache of office supplies, put things away, looked around at the junk mail that my firm email account had accumulated in the week between its being set up and my arrival. Chatted with some fellow Summers.
Today, however, I had even MORE downtime. I was not the only one - but not everyone was twiddling their thumbs, either. Today I set up my voice mail, put my paperclips into their little holder, staples in my stapler, and tape in the tape dispenser.
I also got my crackberry. It is not fully enabled ... there's no phone function. No internet. But I can get my firm email, my firm address book, and my firm calendar. And Brick Breaker. But the little click wheel is too clunky for me to be successful with that game.
i have a meeting at 8:45 with the attorney that I'll be working with on the litigation side. And then, hopefully, I'll have some actual WORK. I have no more office supplies to organize!
One thing that surprised me ... we walked in on Monday morning to a speech from the hiring partner that they have every intention of hiring all of us (and the number is not a small one). I had heard that once you're in for the summer, "the offer is yours to lose" - but I didn't think they'd be so up front about it. and so quickly.
Tomorrow is my first true "lunch out." I had a first year associate come to visit today, and she was trying to tell my office mate and I (we share a beautiful corner office with a huge window overlooking the Charles River and, I think, if I squint my eyes tight, my house) that we should not be working hard at all. That they don't expect us there past 5, and that they wouldn't even care if we didn't finish our assignments. That it is intended to be the "Summer of Fun."
After she left, we decided that we are IGNORING her.
Although today, I did stop twiddling my thumbs at 5, and I went home. The attorney I will be working with was en route back to Boston from NY, and we're meeting tomorrow a.m. After doing some research on her and the partner we're meeting with, I am actually excited.
Tomorrow is Thing Two's Actual Birthday. Beloved picked them up from school today, and apparently, they BOTH forgot that we have plans to go out after Thing One's softball game for a Birthday Sundae, and Thing Two had a TANTRUM that we weren't doing anything for her birthday. I was irritated to hear of this, after busting my butt for her sleepover this past weekend, and knowing the time, expense, and general irritation that we are all putting up with so that she can have a "family party" at my parents' house this weekend. She's also having cupcakes in her classroom tomorrow. So .... what is she talking about that we weren't doing ANYTHING for her birthday?? She later apologized, and she said she "forgot" about the cupcakes and sundaes.
The Firm is having a softball game tomorrow against another firm in town, and I am not going. I need to go watch the Midget softball instead. These softball games are the only things I plan on missing, though, and that's only 3 out of 9. On Thursday, I'm going to a Red Sox game. *That* I will not miss. |
posted by Zuska @ 9:16 PM |