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  • Tuesday, May 16, 2006
    2 down, 2 to go.
    Yesterday (Monday) was my Fed Courts exam. I left there feeling like I'd hit all the issues, with some question as to whether I put my Monroe v. Pape discussion under the right claim. I was very happy that there was no need to discuss federal common law on the exam, because I didn't have it down too well. I think I managed to pull my shit together. I am still a wee bit sick in my love of prepping for open-book exams. I made an outline, an index, and then the mother of all creations (which I shared with friends who I'd studied with) - a Table of Cases which included every case discussed, its primary issue, its secondary issue, a one-sentence summary of its holding, and the page number on which I could find a more thorough discussion in my outline. I used it like CRAZY during the exam. I thought of framing it, and using it as Wall Art in the bedroom, but something tells me Beloved will NOT go for that. (yes, i'm a nerd).

    Then I went to lunch at Unos with some friends, and had a Pomegranite Margarita and a yummy salad. I am now going to have a minor rant which makes me feel old. But I do not care. I'm doing it anyway.

    My drink cost MORE than my (very substantial dinner) salad (i.e., not a side salad, it was a spinach, chicken & gorgonzola salad). Beloved and I have gone out a few times recently to places in my little town, which is known as a VERY expensive/wealthy community (how we got in, I have no clue). I had some drinks in these little independent restaurants, and the drinks were $6. I think I had Martinis in both places. Then at Uno's, the damned thing was $9. Why? Why was it that much? And the price was not on the menu, so I had no idea until the bill came. Of course i had the $$ and it really was FINE, but I just didn't get it. In the other places, in town, my meal was happily $20+, and at Uno's, it was $9. Perhaps that is what disgruntles me, that the drink is valued as much as the meal? I'm not sure. But disgruntled I was.

    We all got carded, too. It was funny, b/c I am 33, and I think everyone else at the table was 24 or younger. So them getting carded was kind of normal, and when it was my turn, everyone looked to see if I'd get carded, too. I always get carded. Not only do I always get carded, but I often get a dropped jaw when people see my age. No one EVER guesses that I'm over 30 (although if my gray hairs keep multiplying, that will change). The waiter yesterday was joking that he was sure he was older than all of us, and I laughed and handed him my i.d. and said, "I bet you're not older than me!" and he looked and said, "Uh, NO!! I'm not!!" and laughed kind of embarassed. One person at the table was not someone I know as well as the others, and she asked me how old I was, thinking it couldn't be THAT different, and I said I was 33. She said, "I thought you were our age, I thought you were 23! Wow! No one ever tells me ANYTHING!" And everyone else at the table laughed, and one person said, "wow, you'd then have been what, 13 when your oldest daughter was born?" I said, "yep, that would be it, she's almost 10!" and the non-friend was stunned to know I have kids.

    I guess our school isn't all that small.

    We did then finish our Admin exam. Thank God. Now today is Employment prep, and tomorrow is the exam, and then SHOPPING!! I need some brown heels to go with my growing earth-tone portion of my closet. And I could use a few tops for under suit jackets. This is difficult for me, b/c I do not like to wear sleeveless shirts, and 99.9% of the things out there are sleeveless.

    Thursdsay I write Corporations (with a little break in the afternoon to go to Thing One's performance, but it's right in town, across the street from the town library where I plan to park my butt, so it will be easy), Friday a.m., I polish it up, hand it in, and then come home and clean for Thing Two's bday party/sleepover, and then shop and bake a cake, and then go pick her up, and get the house ready, and then send Thing One on her way to a friend's house so she's not scowling around hte apartment like she does when her sister is the focus of attention, and then see if I can manage to get ANY sleep with 4 giggling girls in the house.

    I'm running out of time to freak out about my first day of work!! Which is in less than a week!
    posted by Zuska @ 9:45 AM  
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