Wednesday, February 14, 2007 |
Appreciation, not Commercialization?? |
Is it caving to Hallmark? To the pressure of the commercial lure? To say:
My Beloved rocks!!!!
I mean, seriously.
So, we say we don't "do" Valentine's Day. But then he made this awesome meal, and it was kinda spicy. Which makes me want chocolate. And being the insenstivie unthinking smurf that I am, I say, "did you by any chance pick up any chocolate? Just a little bit?" he says, "we don't celebrate!" I say, "I know," feeling like a jerk - because I don't want to be that person who says, "I don't care about this day, please don't do anything" while actually wishing he will ... because that's not what I'm doing. I'm just eating spicy food, and it makes me want chocolate, and in the corner of my mind, there's a hope that I will have the desire fulfilled WITHOUT going into the ice-rink that Boston is becoming.
I told him, "I don't mean fancy chocolate, I just mean, like, a token bag from CVS or something."
he repeated, "we don't celebrate." He's right. 100%. I got him nothing. Nada. No chocolate, no card (even though I considered that), and no .... anything.
Approx 30 minutes later, he went to the fridge, and came back with a cute little "to-go" container. he opens it at me, and says, "For my girls, on Valentine's Day" -- what was in there?
Chocolate Covered Strawberries. Beautiful, delicious, chocolate covered.
Just a few, just a little chocolate. The perfect amount to savour and enjoy, and to not feel like a piglet (or a full grown pig) afterward.
he is wonderful. And so was my strawberry. |
posted by Zuska @ 7:27 PM |
What a keeper! I'm completely jealous.
And can I just ask where you get your energy? I can't even *imagine* working through law school with two kiddos. You rock!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Oooooh no -- I'm not working through school!! It's my school's unique program where I alternate the two. I could never do it all at once. I'd miss my family toooo much!
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What a keeper! I'm completely jealous.
And can I just ask where you get your energy? I can't even *imagine* working through law school with two kiddos. You rock!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!